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Basement Drain Line Repair

Residential and Commercial Cast Iron Replacement

We can replace the cast iron pipes in the basement with new PVC. We can often do this with only a 4 to 6 hour service outage. We contain the area by masking everything off. We then cut the floor and demolish while using a HEPA Vacuum, which virtually eliminates the dust created. We then excavate around the pipe, break it out and replace it. We return to fill the voids with gravel, lay cement, and clean the floors.

If the pipes are in good enough condition, we may be able to use special tools to descale them and use CIPP technology to reline the pipes, minimizing digging.

Replacing cast iron sewer system pipes with modern materials like PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) can offer several benefits:

Corrosion Resistance: Cast iron pipes can corrode over time, leading to leaks and reduced flow capacity. PVC and ABS pipes are corrosion-resistant, ensuring a longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs.

Improved Flow Rate: Modern plastic pipes have smoother interiors compared to cast iron, reducing friction and improving water flow. This can lead to better drainage and reduced clogs.

Durability: PVC and ABS pipes are highly durable and resistant to damage from impact or ground settling, reducing the risk of cracks or breaks.

Longer Lifespan: When properly installed and maintained, plastic pipes can have a longer service life than cast iron pipes.

Basement Drain Line Repair

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